Monday, October 11, 2010

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1)Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

PARANORMALCY is unlike any book I've ever read. It's delightfully weird. It's stupendously humorous. And it's downright cute as a button.

I've been following Kiersten White's blog for the past half a year now and haven't failed to read a blog post yet! The author herself is just so adorable and funny, when I found out that her debut novel was coming out this year I just absolutely needed to read it.

And I wasn't disappointed. Evie is so awesome. I wish that she was real so that we could hang out and be awesomely normal together, despite the fact that she is anything BUT normal. In a good way of course. Sooo let me say that she's a spaz, a great friend, a caring narrator, and simply cool beans. The relationship with Lend is strangely normal. It's not undying love and over dramatic passion, but real. Something any girl can relate to. The way Evie explains it and Kiersten writes it makes the whole thing feel like you're having a sleep over with Evie, gabbing away about she and Lend. It's just awesome and so not over rated. The best word for PARANORMALCY is, relatable.

The only thing that I felt was lacking in this novel was a little more substance. It was a light, cute read with tons of laughs, but I usually like something to chew on with my literature. I don't know that I'm going to ponder over what I just read or analyze it either which kind of disappoints me. But I'm not upset at all. This was a good book. Pick it up if you want a good laugh and something to float on.

Can't wait for SUPERNATURALLY so I can laugh and hang out in Evie's head some more!

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